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South West England OHI+ Scores

Cargo Ship at Sea
South West England OHI+ Scores

This project makes use of OHI+ in the UK for the first time. By adapting an established methodology, we examine how the tool performs in the context of UK relevant data and whether it provides useful insight and feedback for existing management of marine and coastal areas. For detailed methods and scores for each goal and region you can read and download the project Summary Report, the technical Project Report, and detailed Regional Summaries or follow links to specific goal scores on the Methods page.

South West England OHI+ assessment scores

Ocean Health Index+ score. The first OHI+ assessment for south west England revealed a region wide score of 65. Goals with higher scores included Economies and Livelihoods (Economic Productivity), Artisanal Fisheries and the Biodiversity Habitats sub-goal. However, the Designated Areas for Ecological purposes goal and the Species sub-goal of Biodiversity are notably low scoring. The overall goal scores and central index score for South West England are calculated as the area weighted average (mean) of region-specific outputs, weights are derived from region-specific sea areas (kilometres squared) from coast (mean high water) to 12 nautical miles (nmi) offshore.

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