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The Project

Policy Mapping

To evaluate the potential use of the OHI+ as a tool to assess progress of the SWMP area, OHI+ datasets were associated to MMO draft policy statements (version 3, the most recent available at the time of writing).


The SWMP draft document contains 74 policy statements, categorised into Environment (n = 33), Social (n = 19) and Economic
(n = 22) sub-groups. Prior to the mapping exercise, each policy statement was read and specific ‘topic areas’ id
entified using the methods detailed here.
Each policy statement was then assessed against the OHI+ using a decision tree to examine the capacity of the OHI+ assessment to reflect the breadth of issues covered in the SWMP. Of the 74 SWMP policies , 35 were considered to have ‘high’ relevance to the OHI+ SW  model. Seven policies were moderately relevant (‘medium’), 14 policies had ‘low’ representation and 18 did not overlap with any aspects of the OHI+ model framework. You can read more on the policy mapping methods and findings here or view high level results below. 


SWMP policy relevance to OHI+ datasets. Ring plots depict the number of policies by category ranked high, medium, low and none against South West England OHI+.


South West England OHI+ goal relevance to SWMP policies. Bar chart depicts the number of times a South West England OHI+ goal or sub-goal was ranked high, medium, low or none against a SWMP policy.

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