North Devon
Severn Estuary and the Bristol Channel
Severn Estuary and the Bristol Channel
North Devon
South East Devon
South East Devon
South West Devon
South West Devon
Isles of Scilly
Isles of Scilly
What we measure
What We Measure
The Ocean Health Index measures the ability of oceans to sustainably provide benefits (called “goals” by the OHI) that are important to humans and biodiversity. The Ocean Health Index+ for South West England will assess the following eight goals. Please click on each goal icon or follow links in the text for more detailed descriptions of each, including methods, data and scores.
The Clean Water goal captures the degree to which local coastal waters are unpolluted by natural and human-made causes. To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.
The Food Provision goal measures the amount and sustainability of seafood harvested for human consumption. This includes both includes wild-caught fisheries and mariculture. To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.
This Artisanal Opportunities goal tracks the opportunities and barriers to the under ten meter fleet of the SW by measuring their share of landings, catch per unit effort and variation in fuel prices. To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.
The Livelihoods and Economies goal tracks marine industry wages against the consumer price index, trends in employment, and regional economic productivity through time.To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.
The Tourism and Recreation goal captures the trend in domestic and international visitors, the recreational potential within coastal and nearshore marine environments, and the aesthetic appeal of the coastal surroundings. To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.
The Designated Areas goal measures the percentage of designated coastal and nearshore marine zones that hold community value, or that are identified as areas critical to ecological conservation. To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.
The Biodiversity goal tracks marine and coastal habitat health and monitoring efforts through time, as well as assessing the conservation status of species pertinent to the South West England marine ecosystem. To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.
The Coastal Systems goal assesses the ability of coastal marine habitats to provide important ecosystem of coastal defence and carbon sequestration, now and into the future. To learn more about the methods, data and OHI+ scores for this goal click here.